Useful npm packages

Expose localhost to internet

Localtunnel is an open-source project. It is necessary for your system to already have Node.js installed in order for you to be able to install it using npm using the following command:

npm install -g localtunnel

After that, you will obtain access to the lt command, and you will be able to start your HTTP tunnel using the following command:

lt --port 400

Make sure to change the command to correspond with the port on which your web application is operating.

You will get a publicly accessible URL and for the most part, that would be enough for you to set up an integration with a service that supports webhooks.

You will be provided with a URL that is open to the public.

What’s interesting about Localtunnel is that there is also a repository you can clone to set up your own localtunnel server, and hence use your own custom domain. This approach requires you have control of a server where you can set up DNS entries, as well as handle incoming TCP connections for any non-root TCP port.

Auto Animate

Auto Animate is a nifty minimal micro animation library for React, Vue , Svelte or Angular. Basically a one line implementation. It’s not perfect but for the amount of effort you need to put in it is awsome.

Install for React: @formkit/auto-animate/react

import { useState } from 'react'
import { useAutoAnimate } from '@formkit/auto-animate/react'

const App = function () {
  const [items, setItems] = useState([0, 1, 2])
  const [parent, enableAnimations] = useAutoAnimate(/* optional config */)
  const add = () => setItems([...items, items.length])
  return <>
  <ul ref={parent}>
      item => <li key={item}>{ item }</li>
  <button onClick={add}>Add number</button>
  <button onClick={() => enableAnimations(false)}>Disable</button>

export default App